NSW State Championships

The NSW State Championships are rapidly approaching and as always, thanks to our excellent volunteers it is shaping up to be another great competition. Unfortunately there won’t be any celebrity judges, apparently they are all on holiday in South Africa, there must be something going on over there.

In any case, to ease the burden on the organisers we ask that you have your entries in by the 27th of September. The bad news is that we won’t accept entries after the 27th, the good news is that if you enter and can’t make it, you will get a full refund! I realise this is contrary to the info pack that is on the website but we are a bit short of manpower for this comp due to some of the organisers being unable to attend the comp, one of whom is me. So we are trying to ease the burden on the rest of the team by getting organised early.

With the steady hand of our Contest Director David Pilkington and the always tireless work of Club Secretary Ray Pearson driving the competition, it is shaping up to be a great weekend.

Fly safe out there!
Anthony Crichton-Browne


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