Become a member of the Australian Aerobatic Club


The Australian Aerobatic Club (AAC ACN 001 052 688) was constituted in 1977 to facilitate the development and supervision of aerobatic sport in Australia. You can read our Articles of Association documents. Currently New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria each have Chapters that administer the sport in their State. State Aerobatic Championships, as well as an Australian Aerobatic Championship, are held annually and you can read about our events here. The Chapters also host training and coaching days throughout the year.The sport of aerobatics has fostered a close-knit world community of enthusiasts who gather annually for World Championships, sanctioned under the Federation Aeronautical Internationale (FAI). We select an Australian Aerobatic Team annually to compete at World Championship events.The Australian Aerobatic Club seeks to develop all pilots, whatever their skill level or aspirations, so that they can explore and enjoy fully the freedom of flight – safely. Our safety record is impeccable, through active risk management, airmanship, coaching and peer review.

In parallel with the flying we also provide opportunities for members to become aerobatic judges and officials. Suitably qualified members may compete or officiate at international competitions.



Each Chapter is legally constituted in their State, and as such the Chapter determines the membership fee and requirements for that Chapter. Most Chapters permit either Full or Social Membership of the Chapter without joining the AAC proper. This permits participation in local Chapter events, and is an excellent way to introduce yourself to the sport, the people, and become involved. To compete at the Australian Aerobatic Championships full AAC membership is required.

Whether a Chapter Social or Full member, or AAC Member, you will be included in all correspondence to members, have full access to the website information and be welcome at all Club events.

Please ascertain your desired membership options when purchasing or renewing your membership, as different Chapters have different rules.



You may join the Australian Aerobatic Club by purchasing a yearly membership subscription from our shop.



Existing members of the Australian Aerobatic Club can renew your membership via from our shop. Full AAC membership and an FAI licence is a requirement to compete at AAC national competitions.