Spring Newsletter


The 29th WAC has begun in South Africa and Brad and Cass are there adding an Australian flavour.    The WAC website is here: http://wac2017.co.za/ but it may not get updated often.   Results will be posted here http://www.civa-results.com/2017/WAC17/indexpage.htm once compettition is underway.   FB is probably the best source of current info, search for Brad Mulcahy, World Aerobatics, US Unlimited Team, British Aerobatics etc.

The first two Free Unknown figures have been selected and a lot of pushing seems to be the gameplan.   Brad submitted figures for both, and will fly 25th in the Free Known.

It has been a huge effort and cost for Brad to get there, so let’s give him all the support we can from back here – write him and let him know we’re barracking for him big time!   Go Brad, don’t leave anything in the tank.

NSW Champs

Entry info is on the AAC website for the NSW Champs to be held a Narromine 5-8th October.   Please enter ASAP to help the organisers out.


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