4 April 2017

Hello all, and a belated welcome to 2017! For those not at the AGM, the good/bad news is I’ve been given a second chance as AAC President (must do better this time). The AAC Committee is thus:

President – self,
Treasurer – Martyn Woodhouse,
Captain of Flying – vacant, with
David Clemence,
Adam Gibbs,
Cass Moeller,
Brad Mulcahy, and a warm welcome to
Scott Yates.

That leaves a couple of vacancies which we will endeavour to fill in the near future. We’ve already had one meeting which went far too long and resolved little, so we are well ahead of our Government.


Memberships are due 31 December each year, so if you haven’t renewed please do so, as it helps us with budgeting and planning. The small annual fee entitles you to an FAI licence that allows you to compete internationally, and also pays for insurance that covers Club and Chapter events, along with other odds and ends essential to the sport.


Things are well underway with the Vic Champs held in Feb and the South Oz Champs just last weekend. Results should be up on the website. Fields were small but of high quality :), and the weather also behaved I believe. If anyone wishes to write a first hand review of those events we will get it out to members via the website or the next newsletter.

Next up are the WA Champs 22-23 April at Cunderdin (Note: since cancelled) and a little later the QLD Champs 14-16 July at Watts Bridge.

YakWAC – Russell Sneyd is planning to compete in Russia at this years YakWAC, 9-16 July. Russell has competed for some time in his awesome Yak-54, but will have to step back to a Yak-52 for the Championships! As yet he is travelling solo, so if you have a desire to visit Russia and provide Russell with moral support, and mop up the oil, please contact me or Russell. Visit the website http://tula-aerobatics.ru/wayakc-2017/

WAC – We have at least two pilots committed to going to South Africa, Brad Mulcahy and myself, with possibly two more. 10-17 September. http://www.aerobatics.co.za/index.php/wac-2017/54-wac-2017-in-malelane-south-africa The plan is to take our own aircraft, so it is a big undertaking.

Formation Aerobatic Challenge – new for this year is the WFAC to be held in China. http://www.wfac.eu/ , and we have Oz representation with the Red Baron display team. It will be interesting to see how the new event pans out with plenty of Top Gun teams in attendance.

Training Camp

A training camp for all levels is being scheduled for some time in August, probably at Narromine but this is flexible depending on where the participants come from. Planning is for 6-7 pilots over 4 days. There will be ground lectures on planning and preparing for a competition flight as well as in-flight techniques. Captain Brad and myself will be sharing all the best kept secrets. Cost will be $500 per person and all profit will go into the WAC fund. Please contact me if interested, first in best dressed.

Australian Institute of Sport

Some of us got to tag along with the Paraglider Team from the HGFA at a recent weekend course at the AIS. Subjects covered included Sports Psychology, Nutrition, Strength and Conditioning and Recovery. It was well worth the cost and I would like to arrange at least one a year focussedon aerobatics for the AAC. We need about a dozen to defray the cost, ~$300 gets you the lectures as well as meals and accommodation at the Institute. We got some funny looks, being a wee bit older and less toned than the typical elite sportsperson wandering about the place.

That’s it for now, have fun, fly safe, and don’t let the turkeys get you down.

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