Hi all, hope you have been taking advantage of the fine, but cold, flying weather.

Queensland Champs
If you wish to escape the cold, relatively, then head north to Watts Bridge for the Queensland Aerobatic Championships 14th-16th of July.   All the entry info is on the Queesnland Chapter website.

Intermediate Changes
At the last committee meeting we resolved to run only one Intermediate Category and to fly this category to a 1000ft box lower limit,   The CIVA Free Known will be flown along with one pre-planned Unknown and a Free Unknown using the CIVA Unknown figures and development process.

Training Camp
Due to problems coordinatig our work schedules Brad and I have been unable to settle on an August Training Camp date.   We have looked at sliding it until after the WAC but with our involvement with the NSW Champs and upcoming Nationals, that period is also tight.   Plan B is I can host the camp at Mudgee 11-13th August.    Those interested please contact me for details.

I’d like to welcome Jesse Jury and Richard Wiltshire (back) onto the AAC Committee to fill casual vacancies,and Brad Mulcahy stepping up to Club Captain.   This gives us good country wide representation, though weighted a bit in favour of Queenslanders….

check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncB7YuVvb1U

Until next time. keep the upside down.




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