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The Australian Aerobatic Club – Adelaide Chapter welcomes and invites all AAC members, their family and friends to the 2017 SA Aerobatic Championships being held at Murray Bridge Airfield, SA on March 21st to April 1st, 2017.

1.  Registering on the Website and Online Entry Form  

If you have not already registered with the website, please do so at; registration/

All competition entries are to be filled out online at;

After entering online, please pay the contest entry fee via EFT. (See details below)

All entry fees are fully refundable if you cannot compete.

2.        Uploading Your Competition Documents.

This is critical to enable the competition administrators to easily complete your registration
prior to the competition, significantly reducing everybody’s work load.

Please ensure your document folder contains only the documents relevant to the
upcoming competition and that all 12 required documents are present and those that are
time sensitive have not expired. (See below for more details)

 Please note that there is no longer a requirement to submit a National

Judge signed copy of your Free/Free-Knowns. Competitors are advised to

use Open Aeros (See below for details) for legality of their sequence. It is the

competitor’s responsibility to ensure they submit a legal free/free-known. If it

is discovered prior to the end of the protest period that a sequence is flown

that does not comply with AAC/CIVA regs, then the competitor will forfeit all

points for that flight.

3.         General and Venue

  • The 2017 SA Aerobatic Championships (2017 SAChamps) will be held at Murray Bridge Airfield Wednesday 29th March to Saturday 1st April 2017 inclusive. The Airfield is available for unofficial practise from Friday 24th March.Pilots practising at Murray Bridge prior to 1800hrs Sat 25th March 2017 for the first time should seek a briefing from a club member who is familiar with the current procedures of the day and has flown in the box.
  • 2017 SA will be conducted primarily under the 2016 AAC Regulations
  • Competition for the CIVA categories include a Free Known flight. A checklist for designing a legal Free Known is available at:

  • Three Free Unknowns will also be conducted for the CIVA categories.
  • A fourth Intermediate AUS, Sportsman and Graduate flight (Unknown 2),as well as a fourth Entry flight (Known) will be included in the programme. These flights will count to the overall results.

4.         Contest Entry and Entry Fee payment details

  • All current financial members of the Australian Aerobatic Club are eligible to compete.
  • Membership Fees are paid by Direct Deposit and vary depending on your State Chapter. Go to;
You will also find the AAC Bank Account Details for the Direct Deposit.

  • As previously mentioned, make sure you have registered at;

  • Now you can upload a digital copy of the Membership fee Bank Transfer Details to Your Competition Documents at ;
Make sure you use the correct format when you name the file.

  • The entry fees are as follows;
CATEGORY Early Bird After 1700hrs 22/3/17
Entry Free           $50
Graduate $ 225 $275
Sportsman $ 225 $275
Intermediate(AUS) $ 225 $275
Intermediate (CIVA) $ 295 $345
Advanced $ 295 $345
Unlimited $ 295 $345
Four Minute Free Free $50

Closing for entries is 1700hrs, Wed 22nd March 2017. Competitors paying after this date pay a $50 premium.
Payment is by direct debit only as follows;
Entry fees should be made payable to the AAC – Adelaide Chapter, and paid at the same time as entry submission, by direct deposit to the club bank account, as the preferred method.
Bank;   Bank SA (Bank of South Australia)
BSB;    105-067
Account No;   027664240
Account Name;  Australian Aerobatic Club – Adelaide Chapter
Reference;   In the reference field, please state your surname and “2017 SA Champs”
e.g. “Stone 2016 SA Champs”

Upload a digital copy of the Bank Transfer Details to Your Competition Documents on the AAC Website.

  • Keep Uploading the remaining 12 Competition Documents as outlined at;
Make sure you use the correct format when you name the file.
Don’t forget to upload your Free/ Free Known Sequence Forms A,B and C ( or the new Forms R and L – See )  in PDF format AND .SEQ.
The 2017 Known Programmes for all Non CIVA categories ( Entry, Graduate, Sportsman and Intermediate AUS) are available at the AAC web site
The Free Unknown figures for Unlimited, Advanced and Intermediate CIVA, are currently available at;
Or within the OpenAero Program (Free download at; )

  • A copy of the provisional competition program is included in this notice.

5.         Contest Officials

  • Chairman of the Jury                   Simon Stone


  • Contest Director                           Jesse Jury


  • Contest Secretary/Scorer             David Clemence (Remote)


  • Chief judge                                  Simon Stone

6.         Registration – Pilots and Aircraft (See 2016 AAC Regulations)

  • All contestants must register on-site at the Registration Desk prior to 1200 hours Wednesday 29th March 2017.
  • The competitor must produce the current Maintenance Release for the Aircraft in which they are to compete and send an image by sms to the Contest Secretary 0418 324 447
  • Uploading PDF and SEQ copies of the following, in the correct format, to Your Competition Documents at the AAC Website should have already been done. If any of the documents are missing, incorrect or time expired, then the competitor will not be registered.
  • Upload your Documents for all Competitions and keep them up to date. Preferred file formats are PDF’s and JPG’s and SEQs
  • Here are the documents you need to upload. Please use the name format in example. You are welcome to add to the end of this name format to help manage current version (e.g. expiry date);

No        Document         Name Format
1          Certificate of Registration.         COR_FYI  (where FYI = your aircraft registration)
2          Certificate of Airworthiness.       COA_FYI
3          Certificate of Currency (Insurance) including $5M Third Party cover and Competition Aerobatic endorsement  .                       COI_FYI
4          A current Pilot’s License.           Pilot_License_first name_surname
5          A current Medical Certificate.     Medical__first name_surname_expiry date
6          A BFR or equivalent.                  AFR__first name_surname_expiry date
7          Log Book, Aerobatic endorsement and spin (inverted & upright) endorsements as appropriate.                                           Aero__first name_surname
8          Low Level Permission appropriate to category.   LL__first     name_surname_expiry date
9          Free/Free Known Sequence as .PDF.     Unlimited_Free­_PDF_first name_surname _2017
10         Free/Free Known Sequence as .SEQ.     Unlimited_Free_SEQ_first name_surname_2017
11         Bank Transfer Details of Full AAC membership payment OR Membership Certificate/FAI
license.                                                      AAC_Membership_first name_surname_2017
12         Bank Transfer Details of competition entry payment.  SA Champs Fee_first

7.         Briefing

  • At 1700 hours, Tuesday 28th March 2017, a briefing by CJ, Category CJs and CD for CIVA category Pilots only (Unlimited, Advanced and Intermediate (CIVA) will be held. Unknown 1, 2 and 3 figure selection sessions to be conducted as per 2016 AAC Regulations. ( CIVA Category pilots only will not practice after this briefing)


  • The First Official Competition Briefing for all categories briefing will be held at 0800 hours Wednesday 29th March 2017 and is mandatory for all competitors, judges and officials unless a dispensation is obtained from the Contest Jury.
  • Subsequent Official Competition briefings will be held each contest day at 0800 hours or as advised the previous evening. These are mandatory for ALL competitors and officials. Competitors who arrive late will be penalised as per 2016 AAC Regulations.

8.         Contest Rules

  • The contest will be conducted according to the 2016 AAC Regulations. Please note the following:
    • There will be no Line Judges.
    • A Contest Deadline may apply to Intermediate (AUS & CIVA), Advanced and Unlimited flights (other flights have their lower level limits established above 1500’

9.         Supplementary Rules

  1. Any Supplementary Rules will be advised at Official Briefing.

10.       Bad Weather/Schedule Interruption

  • All Options will be considered by the Contest Jury if required
  • Sunday 2nd March will be a flying day for any categories that have not yet completed two competition flights.

11.       Fuel and Oil – Credit Card (V, MC)

The Airfield has a fuel bowser that is operated by the airfield owner.
o Fill in the record book at the bowser when you take fuel.
o To avoid being overcharged, check that the opening numbers are correct before you take fuel. Missing records are easiest to sort out straight away.
o At the end of each day, competition pilots will be notified of their fuel charges and are required to settle their accounts by Credit Card or cash.

• Airfield Management will also be present at 5pm on Saturday. So if you plan to fly out Sunday, you need to fill up by Saturday afternoon (unless competition flights continue due to weather)

  • Pilots are advised to bring sufficient oil to meet their needs

12.       Hangarage

Hangarage will be available to all competitors courtesy of the AAC- Adelaide Chapter

13.       Accommodation and mini-bus transport

It is each participant’s responsibility to book their own accommodation.

  • Please contact Jesse Jury to book a bed in the accommodation “Up the river”

To continue the tradition, we have booked three adjacent holiday houses at Sunnyside Road, Sunnyside which is about 20 minutes’ drive from the Murray Bridge airfield. at Sunnyside Road, Sunnyside (contact Jesse)
Anyone interested in this option should contact Jesse ASAP to see if there is still a bed available. Bookings are taken on a first come first served basis, so get in quick.
Anticipated prices are $600 for 5 nights’ accommodation, a dinner, the bus, breakfast provisions (cereals, toast, tea and coffee) and basic linen. If two people share a bed (there are a few queen/double beds) then it will be $150 for the second person. Prices are subject to confirmation.
• Other options if you don’t want to stay up the river include:-
o Balcony On Sixth Lodge (08) 85311411
o Adelaide Road Motor Lodge (08) 85321144

14.       Meals and other stuff

We plan to eat at the accommodation at Sunnyside most nights, or the Murray Bridge Hotel on Sixth.
• We will have drinks, snacks and sandwich making stuff during the daytime at the airfield.
• The Murray Bridge area is an attractive tourist destination in its own right. There are lots of things-to-do for non-flyers. See
• Outstanding destinations are the Langhorne Creek wine region, a half hour drive away and the Butterfly House is a must see for the kids

15.       Proposed Programme
Please note that this is a preliminary Programme and is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Contest Director.

Tuesday 28th March


  • Briefing by CJ, Category CJs and CD for CIVA category pilots only (Unlimited, Advanced and Intermediate (CIVA).)

Wednesday 29th March


                    Roll Call and Compulsory Briefing

             0930 – 1800 (programme order to be determined by the Contest Director)

  • Unlimited – Program 1 Free/Known
  • Advanced – Program 1 Free/Known
  • Intermediate (CIVA) – Program 1 Known
  • Intermediate (AUS) – Known
  • Sportsman – Known
  • Graduate – Known 1
  • Entry – Known 1


  • Deadline for Submission of Free Unknown 1 by each competitor in the CIVA categories. CJ to distribute all submitted sequences to all competitors in that category at that time.

Thursday 30th March

0800 – 0900

  • Roll Call and Compulsory Briefing.
  • Deadline for . Unlimited, Advanced and Intermediate (CIVA)) will not fly until their Free Unknown 1 judging packs have been assembled: (If CJ not contacted, it will be assumed that competitor’s own sequence will be flown.)

0930 – 1800 (final programme order to be determined by the Contest Director)

  • Intermediate (AUS) – Free
  • Sportsman – Known/Free
  • Graduate – Known 2
  • Entry – Known 2
  • Unlimited – Free Unknown 1
  • Advanced – Free Unknown 1
  • Intermediate (CIVA) – Free Unknown 1


  • Deadline for Submission of Free Unknown 2 by each competitor in the CIVA categories. CJ to distribute all submitted sequences to all competitors in that category at that time.

Friday   31st March

0800 – 0900

  • Roll Call and Compulsory Briefing.
  • Deadline for . Unlimited, Advanced and Intermediate (CIVA)) will not fly until their Free Unknown 3 judging packs have been assembled: (If CJ not contacted, it will be assumed that competitor’s own sequence will be flown.)

0930 – 1800 (final programme order to be determined by the Contest Director)

  • Intermediate (AUS) – Unknown 1
  • Sportsman – Unknown 1
  • Graduate – Known 3
  • Entry- Known 3
  • Unlimited – Free Unknown 2
  • Advanced – Free Unknown 2
  • Intermediate (CIVA) – Free Unknown 2


  • Deadline for Submission of Free Unknown 3 by each competitor in the CIVA categories. CJ to distribute all submitted sequences to all competitors in that category at that time.

Saturday April 1st

0800 – 0900

  • Roll Call and Compulsory Briefing.
  • CIVA
  • Deadline for . Unlimited, Advanced and Intermediate (CIVA)) will not fly until their Free Unknown 3 judging packs have been assembled: (If CJ not contacted, it will be assumed that competitor’s own sequence will be flown.)

0930 – 1800 (final programme order to be determined by the Contest Director)

  • Intermediate (AUS) – Unknown 2
  • Sportsman – Unknown 2
  • Graduate – Unknown 1
  • Entry – Known 4
  • Unlimited – Free Unknown 3
  • Advanced – Free Unknown 3
  • Intermediate (CIVA) – Free Unknown 3
  • Four Minute Free

Immediately following Competition Flights on Saturday:

  • Box Pack Up, site cleaning.

1930 Presentation Dinner – Venue to be announced

Sunday April 2nd  

THIS WILL BE USED AS A BAD WEATHER DAY if less than 50% of competition flights in each category have been completed. Otherwise, depart for Home. Only those officials and competitors involved in the weather affected categories will be required to stay.

Copyright ©  All rights reserved.


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