AAC Newsletter 6 August 2017

Hi all, just a few quick things.

1. The 2017 Australian Aerobatic Championships Bulletin 1 should is on the website.    Check it out, as the preliminary programme has changed.   A lot of accommodation is full, so if you intend going I’d recommend getting on to it ASAP. If you or your organisation has made bulk bookings please make sure your rooms are actually full so people aren’t turned away unnecessarily.

2. We are trying to round up all the perpetual trophies for the Nationals, the one that has us stumped, and has for a few years, is the Team Trophy. This is awarded to the Chapter with the most points. We think it may be with either a NSW or SA member. We haven’t awarded it in recent years due to it missing.

3. Russelll Sneyd has competed in Russia at the Yak-52 World Championship in July. He had some quite respectable scores in th Unknowns but an over-g in the Free Known spoiled his overall percentage. Well done Russell and I look forward to hearing about the experience it first hand. http://civa-results.com/2017/WY52AC17/indexpage.htm

4. Brad Mulcahy has shipped his aircraft off to RSA, almost 2.5 months ahead of the WAC start date, demonstrating the very real problems of competing internationally when you live in Oz. I decided to withdraw as I wasn’t happy with my flying. Cass Moeller will be attending to assist Brad and gain familiarity with the world scene.

5. CIVA has some very good judge training material on the News website. If you wish to judge, or just want to know what the judges are looking for, I recommend you work through it. http://civa-news.com/page/aerobatic-judge-training

6.   If you wish to do some training this weekend in Mudgee, get in touch with me ASAP.   Sorry for the late reminder/notice.    The Mudgee Aeroclub has two rooms and a car if you want to camp at the airfield

And finally – those crazy Russians!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfYElZi9QTk

That’s it for now.


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