NSW Chapter AGM 24th February 2018

The NSW Chapter of the Australian Aerobatic Club will be holding its AGM at 11am, 24th February 2018 at the Bankstown Airport Terminal, Airport ave, Bankstown Airport.

After two years as President, I won’t be re-nominating so I hope some of you might be interested in taking on this or other roles on the committee of management. The main role of the committee is to organise and operate the annual NSW Chapter competition.

The competitions are generally organised by the same core group of volunteers who sacrifice their own time to ensure the competitions success. My hope is that members who have not previously been involved, are interested in organising and learning how to run a competition and will therefore nominate for a committee position.

If you wish to nominate for a committee position, please contact me, Secretary Ray Pearson or Vice President Brad Mulcahy.

Hope to see you there.

Kind regards,

Anthony Crichton-Browne
President NSW Chapter 


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