The JHSC course is required to be completed by all pilots flying Intermediate category or above, and non-pilots who wish to become aerobatic judges.

After gaining appropriate experience at training days, boot camps and competitions, recognition as a State or National Judge is expected. All relevant experience should be recorded in a Judges Log Sheet (Appendix 2-6 of AAC Regulations).

International Judge candidates, to be recognised by CIVA, require appropriate experience and satisfactory performance at National level competitions. ACRO Fairplay-derived Judge Performance Indicators must be supplied to support International Judge applications.

Annual refresher courses will be available from 2013 onwards for those already qualified to maintain currency with the latest rule changes. Due to the extensive nature of the 2012 revision, it is required that all current Judges and prospective judges complete the 2012 JHSC.

The JHSC is Open Book, reference documents are the  CIVA Section 6 (Revision 4) and AAC Regulations. An excellent primer on aerobatic judging is also freely available on the British Aerobatic Association website. It is recommended you read the Judging Criteria sections of these documents before attempting the JHSC.

The JHSC must be completed at one sitting – leaving the page and coming back later will result in another random set of 60 questions being generated. An 80% pass mark is required, and your result will be emailed to the address you give and the AAC Captain of Flying for record keeping.

Read more about competition Aerobatics at Wikipedia