Membership Registration, Renewal and 2016 VicChamps Info and Entry Form

Aresti Spoken Here!

Membership Renewals – Register- Uploads

The Website store is now re-opened for business, and you can pay your renewal membership fee.
I apologise for the delay but the Website Rebuild has taken an enormous effort ( primarily by Dave Knowles) which has seen us busting the deadline. However the benefits will be enormous in easing the admin burden of the Club in general and Competitions in particular.

To renew your membership, please register first, which means setting up a user name and password. After that you will be able to renew every year from now on without filling in all that info that hasn’t changed for years…….Absolute Heaven!!!

Talking of no longer filling out the same forms year after year, competitors can now upload the 14 documents required for ANY competition registration. Just go to the Competition section of the website,choose the dropbox upload documents and upload them from your PC, laptop, tablet or phone. ( Welcome to the 21st century AAC ! ). Make sure you check their currency, rename them as for the suggested format and that they are the proper file type. This will make life a lot easier for pilots and Competition Secretaries for competitor registration purposes. ( See the 2016 VicChamps Info Doc for more detail on how to register)

Unfortunately, we do have a bit of extra paperwork that we will send you after you renew your membership. That is the FAI sporting licence application which now has to be done every year. ( Thank you FAI Bureaucrats !). Not only that, you will need to go to the WADA website to check if any of your regular medications are on the Banned list ( ). If this is the case, then you will need to fill out the Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) form along with your Medico.
Please fill out all required forms, scan them and email them back to Martyn. He will then send you back a combined Membership Certificate/FAI license which you can then upload to the My Competition Documents portal on the website………Hope you got that because I’m exhausted just writing about it !
Next year we will have all this rigmarole streamlined by being able to do it all through the website…..Is that right Dave Knowles?

2016 VicChamps

At last the info and entry form are on the website. Download it now and have a good read. This is the first comp with the new competition format (Possibly in the world !) and we all could be in for quite a ride.
If you are competing, get stuck in to the entry form and get uploading NOW!!!! You’ll have to get your skates on if you want that early bird discount entry fee.

There is till a bit of accommodation available in Tocumwal, but you’ll have to be quick.

2016 AAC AGM and the 2016 AAC-VC AGM

These will also be held at the 2016 VicChamps. ( See Competition Info – schedule).
All the required pap

Looking forward to seeing you all up at Tocumwal.

Bye for now.

David J Clemence
AAC President

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